Prominent IP Updates on Dec 22, 2014

Netflix wins Open TV patent suit

The District Court of the Hague in the Netherlands has rejected a patent suit from Kudelski’s Open TV. In the suit, which was launched in October 2013, Open TV alleged that Netflix “infringes its patents and is seeking, among other relief, to enjoin Netflix from further infringement by its recently launched service in the Netherlands.”

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Microsoft to pay Virnetx USD 23 mln to settle patent dispute

Virnetx announced that it signed an amended settlement and license agreement with Microsoft. This changes the terms of their original settlement in 2010 and puts an end to their patent infringement suits. Microsoft has agreed to pay USD 23 million to Virnetx to settle the patent dispute and expand Microsoft’s license.

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Renewable Energy Group and Neste Oil Settle US and Singapore Patent Lawsuits

Renewable Energy Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:REGI), headquartered in Ames, Iowa, USA and Neste Oil Corporation of Finland have entered into a Settlement and License Agreement whereby the parties have settled Neste’s US patent infringement lawsuit against REG and REG’s Singapore patent infringement lawsuit against Neste and REG has licensed certain Neste Oil NEXBTL technology and intellectual property rights for use at REG Geismar.

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Uber set to patent surge pricing; its 24 patent apps rejected for being `obvious’ variations

Uber applied for a US patent last year for “dynamically adjusting prices for service” using mobile devices. The system measures supply (Uber drivers) and demand (passengers hailing rides with smartphones), and prices fares accordingly . It’s one of at least 13 US patent applications filed by Uber or its founders to give it an edge over potential rivals ahead of a potential initial public offering. Ten applications were initially rejected by the US Patent and Trademark Office for “obviousness” or for covering something not eligible for protection.

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