Prominent IP Updates April 01, 2016

DateGlaxoSmithKline promises reduced drug patents to help world’s poor

#GlaxoSmithKline is to adopt a graduated approach to #patenting its medicines, depending on the wealth of different countries, in order to make drugs more affordable in the developing world. Britain’s biggest drugmaker said on Thursday it would not file #in low-income states, leaving the way clear for #generic companies to make cheap copies of its drugs without fear of being sued.

Apple gets closer to knocking out $533 million patent verdict

Apple’s odds of beating a $533 million court verdict have improved, thanks in part to its frequent nemesis in patent lawsuits, #Samsung Electronics. Samsung and #Apple, working together, won a decision invalidating a #patent claim owned by closely held #Smartflash LLC. A review board at the #USPTO said that the patent for a way to access and pay for online content is simply a “fundamental economic practice long in existence in commerce.”

Indian court leaves Ericsson open to patent abuse probe

The High Court of Delhi has rejected Ericsson’s petition to deny the Competition Commission of India jurisdiction to investigate potential abuse of dominance in patent licensing by the mobile phone manufacturer.

Honda gets patent approval for walking assist device

Motor, Japanese automobile major, has got approval for its recently launched from the Indian Patent Office. The company has been developing the device since 1999.

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